Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lynx tracks Anson Maine

The 3 pics were taken on my property in the Lemon Stream forest of Anson Maine, 01/02/09
The upper left is a coyote track. The toe print is pointed because canine claws do not retract. Below that are Lynx tracks
The feline claw retracts. The Canine prints are longer than wider and the feline print is typical rounder or even wider than long at times. The lynx tracks and Lynx trail were very fresh, the top coating of snow had fallen hours earlier. The prints were all very sharply defined. That same day I also took pics of Bobcat prints, deer print, hare prints, and grouse prints. I have pictures of the lynx prints meeting up with and following the fresh snowshoe hare prints. In the spring I am going to mount my animal can low to the ground to try and catch a photo of one of these elusive cats.

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